BBA Info
The BBA is part of the Fairfield County Basketball League which is one of the largest of its kind. Travel teams play from early November with most games being from late November through playoffs in early March. Teams have 2 ninety minute practices per week and can play 1 or more games per weekend on Friday/Saturday/Sunday. Typically teams play in the neighborhood of 20+/- games. Game travel is never more than one hour and usually far less. The BBA fields boys and girls teams in grades 4 - 8 depending on the number of players per grade.

Board Members Needed
BBA is always looking for volunteers & new ideas - please join us. All are welcome!
The BBA invites those who have interest in joining the BBA Board to contact us through the BBA President’s email. We are looking forward to adding several members for this upcoming season.
Coaches needed for all ages
BBA is looking for volunteer coaches to teach kids basketball skills and teamwork.
The BBA is looking for energetic and enthusiastic basketball coaches to work with the kids performing drills and activities as well as teamwork skills. We look forward to adding several coaches for this upcoming season.